The shichirin (pronunciation of shichirin ; Japanese: 七輪, literally "seven wheels") is a small charcoal grill.
Examples for "barbecue grill"
Examples for "barbecue grill"
1The natural sweetness of sweet potatoes is enhanced on the barbecue grill.
2Beside it, I noticed with a jolt, was a huge barbecue grill.
3But don't worry, you won't need a barbecue grill in your temple room.
4Grilling sweet potatoes on the barbecue grill is quick and easy.
5A family of six burned in a barbecue grill explosion.
1The scow contained tents, blankets, provisions, and a portable stove.
2Fortunately I had bought a small Chinese portable stove, which kept me from freezing.
3Nina also notes that Gersh has his own telephone-atopthe low, heavy cabinet-anda small portable stove.
4I interrupt it with the hiss of propane and light the portable stove to heat my coffee.
5At the opposite end was a stage, with the curtain up and a portable stove occupying the center.
1People quickly reacted to a now-deleted photo on Instagram to tell Grande the characters actually translated to "shichirin": a small charcoal grill.
Translations for shichirin